February 01, 2018

Is it Necessary to Play Games at the Beginning of a Relationship?

Dear Portland,

I'm dating this guy and I really like him. We met at work, but recently his position was moved to our downtown office so I never see him during the day anymore-which actually is a good thing. He asked me for my phone number and we talk pretty frequently and have gone out a few times also. However, lately he is not calling when he says he's going too and I'm getting really frustrated because whenever he calls I'm always available. It's not like I don't have a life, it's just that I consider him a priority in my life so..when he calls I answer. It's just that simple for me. I don't like playing games but I really feel like this guy is beginning to take me for granted. I feel like he's playing games with me. Portland, I need your advice because I really don't want to play any games.

No Games!

Dear No Games,

I feel your pain but to a small degree there is some game playing that goes with just meeting someone but I would say its more about the overall process of introduction and getting to know him in the first few weeks- not playing cat and mouse.

But with this guy, I think there is a level of him either playing the field vs. playing games mixed with a slight bit of immaturity. What you don't mention and which is kind of important for me to fully answer your question is has he expressed feelings and more importantly asked you to be exclusive? If he has and he is acting in this way, I say cut your losses and stop answering his calls because he is not worth anymore of your time.  If he has not asked you to be his girlfriend and is acting shady then he may be seeing other people and you are not the same priority that you have made him. My recommendation either way is the go out and meet other guys and be open to meeting a guy who will make you a priority. Then if Mr.Games comes back  around...or not... your life is filled with other options either way.

The Game of Love...Love,


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