January 04, 2009

He Chose Football Over Me!

Dear Portland,

My boyfriend of 5 months chooses football over me. I wanted him to meet my family, so when they came to town for New Years, he came over and met them. During his visit, my sister invited him to come to a family dinner on the day they were to leave town. He made the comment then that football would be on, but I thought he was joking. On the day of the dinner, he tells me he is not coming and is going to watch football. I was embarassed as I couldn't believe he chose football over me and my family. I think I should just give him space. I am not one to crowd another, but it is bothering me that football was more important than my family dinner. Should I be upset over his decision or just let it go?

Mad As Hell

Dear Mad As Hell,

Let it go.

Some guys love football, and we women need to stop with the whole "you love football more than me" stuff. Some men are just passionate about the game. It's a crazy reality. Please don't try to compete, just respect that he likes the game... then go do something else. Use it as your quiet time, go shopping or have lunch with some friends. It will probably make your life alot easier if you adapt this way of thinking.

In his defense, he did say the game would be on, but you thought he was joking...and he wasn't. So we really can't fault him at all because he was honest. It seems as if you misinterpreted his response. Should he have disregared your family so quickly? The answer is no, and a talk with him about that should really happen at some point; not about his relationship with football, but his being more tactful when he relates to football and scheduling plans with the rest of the world.

Then, give him some space, especially while the game is on- and when it's over, I think, he'll really appreciate you even more....especially if his team wins.

"Mad" Love, Portland