March 11, 2009

What's Going On Between Me and This Guy?

Dear Portland,

I don't like him like that, but I do enjoy having him in my life. We talked for 3 weeks, then he fell asleep at my house woke up and he was acting all strange.. so I told him we should just be friends. Then he called me last night and it's like one second he wants a relationship and the next he doesn't... we both decided to be friends, and it sucks thinking about it. Why are men so darn complicated?

What's Going On?

Dear What's Going On...?,

That is the million dollar question! No really, you shouldn't be with a guy who is not "sure" if he wants a relationship with you. We women need to be more cut and dry. Men are actually pretty uncomplicated it's just us women who don't want to get over it and move on. He's just holding on to you until he finds someone better. He's just keeping his options open. The reason I can say this is because I've done it to guys I'm not "sure" about. I'll know that he's nice and even good looking but there is something "missing" but I'll say to myself "why not keep him around until I find someone else?" Totally unfair and selfish so I stopped doing it. He likes you-- but just enough. I've learned that accepting this type of guy in your life will start to chisel away at your self esteem and you don't need that. Keep it moving-- and find a guy who you have to work with to keep the relationship exciting rather than work at getting a relationship started.

"Sure" Love, Portland

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